Nah, nah nah nah, Nah nah nah (Jeaopordy theme)...

OK, I printed all the comments (28 pages!), cut them up, wadded them into balls, put them in a bowl. Unfortunately, Miss Peach is will be drawing the winners (wait, did she say winners?) tomorrow! I hope to post the winners tomorrow afternoon, so come on back...
In the meantime, have you seen the LOST trailer? Gives me goosebumps, I so can't wait for this show to come back! Husband says I am a complete loser over this, I just scream every time they show it....Have you seen it?

Are you screaming!!!???!!!


  1. I AM screaming, except I can't remember what happened on the last show!! Still looking forward to it! Seems like Forever!

  2. I have never seen it, but it looks like a really good show. I think I am going to start watching it.

  3. Holy Moly!!! I hadn't seen the trailer so thanks for posting it. Can't wait!

  4. Oh my gosh, yes, I'm screaming! I can't wait to see this show again. And Sawyer! Oh my. It has been sooooo long though. I hope I remember everything. I'll have to tape it, so when things start coming back to me I can watch it again.

  5. Totally screaming. I can't believe we still have to wait over 3 more weeks.

  6. I can't WAIT for LOST to come back. I even blocked that night off on my calendar!

    I wish we could all have a giant watching party together! Hubby is the only one I know that's as obsessed about LOST as I am.

  7. Damn work Firewall!! I can't access the trailer. I'll have to watch it at home tonight.


  8. I think I must be one of the only ones who has not get seen a single episode. I may just buy/rent the first and second season and try to get caught up. I really feel like I am missing something!!!!!

  9. i MUST see LOST. NOW!

  10. Thanks for putting this up. I was just going to look it up tonight. Yes, I definitely am getting syked now! I still feel so clueless many things were hanging last season.

  11. AWESOME!!!! This is a show I don't miss! Thanks for sharing the trailer.

  12. *trotting off to go set my Tivo NOW!*

  13. Ok, goosebumps do not even begin to explain it. I am freaking out!!!! Why oh why do I have to wait until the 31st??????

  14. I can't wait for LOST to return. I am super curious about what will happen!


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