
I don't talk politics to much on this blog. It isn't easy to get into politics without pissin' people off. Dad's a Republican, Husband's a Democrat. I just forbid them from talking politics. That being said, have you seen this clip (it's been everywhere)? I am kinda pissed at all the pundit's (Bill Krystal in particular) who keep saying "she cried, NH felt sorry for her, and she won". I was a woman in a man's world for over 12 years. For me, and for other women in the work force I know, I hate it when my emotions get the better of me. I can remember total a**hole brokers in my face yelling at me , while the world fell apart around me, and just trying not to cry as I felt it welling in my throat. Ugh, I used to hate the crying reflex. I honestly think crying is in the feminine makeup. I know where she is in that clip, and I really don't think she was faking it. I think she was fighting it with all of her being, 'cause I've been there. Am I being naive? Do you think she planned it? Curious to know what you all think....


  1. I totally agree. I do not think she was at all faking it. I think she was trying to hold it back like we all do when we are in a pressure packed situation and the tears start to fall.
    I DO NOT think she faked it. But I DO think it helped her (yay!).

  2. I suspect not too many saw the first part of this question. A lady asked something like: How do you do it? Hillary started to answer that she had hair problems, needed a hair stylist, and two or three other things related to getting ready to be seen in public, then stopped. Paused and then went into what you see on YouTube.

    I suspect she was caught off guard, give the real answer, then switched into something she had prepared but forgot to say for a minute.

    Personally I think it was fake all the way.

  3. That is the first time I have seen it. I don't think she was intentionally emotional.

  4. I do not belive she was faking!!!

  5. They said it themselves, we would see a more feminine Hillary, we did, and it worked. Either way she won, so they must have done something right.

  6. I don't think she was faking, because the same thing could have worked against her if it had gone differently. Gender aside, I like to see the softer side of candidates. Like when they pet puppies and save drowning bees and stuff.

  7. I don't know. It's a hard call.
    But, I used to manage a large restaurant in a really popular chain. Let's call it "hot peppers" hint hint.
    I once had a district manager tell me to stop being such a woman. Seriously, because I was the only female manager in my restaurant and some of the female employees only felt comfortable coming to me with some of their complaints about some of the male manager's chauvinistic comments. I was actually told by him to stop dealing with things as a woman. I was 8 months pregnant and it was all I could do to stop myself from smothering him to death between my mountain sized breasts and my VW bug sized stomach. Bastard. Ugh. Sometimes it sucks.

  8. Thanks for posting that - I hadn't seen it, and I'd wanted to.

    I don't think she was faking - it seems a completely genuine moment - and it's just that, a moment. From all the hype, I'd have thought she'd been bawling for a half hour.

  9. I think there are moments that are deep and when your a woman your tears are just a part of who you are. She's a woman. She has tears. I accept it!

  10. You know, I am FAR FAR from a fan of Hillary. And this was the first time I've seen this clip. I've heard about it, but never saw it.

    Quite frankly, I don't think she faked it. While what Mini Horses said is probably true, the majority of her answer was canned... I think she believed in what she said. Besides, she was tired, she said so, and lord knows, when I'm tired, I'm an emotional trainwreck.

    But the main reason I'm basing what I said about her not faking... is because of how subtle it was. I mean... you could almost excuse it as a frog in her throat from talking so long. The only way you could tell there was emotion was because of her eyes. I think if she was really trying to play that card, she would have shown it more.

  11. I am with you on this. It feels real to me. I know that feeling.

  12. It seems to me that the people who like her feel that it was a touching human moment and the people who don't feel that it was just a ploy to get votes. So did this actually gain her votes? I think that she would have gotten those votes even if this moment hadn't been played all over the news. There are so many men that hate the idea of a female president so very much that many women are wary of saying out loud that they support her, but they do.

  13. I agree with you. I sensed that her emotion was sincere and genuine. Nothing more, nothing less. Have a good weekend NW.

    Are you sure you won't come over and help me clean closets? :)

  14. I'm with you too...and for what it's worth, she's not my favorite person.

  15. I say Fake. She's too political to not take advantage of being a woman. She's not as suave as her husband, but she added the human touch at a very convenient opportunity. I, too, worked in a predominantly male sector (military) and emotional control is your strongest asset. Hillary is well aware of when to let that control slip. She knows her strengths are in convincing women. Women respond well to emotional speeches.

  16. I think she was faking it. She is a very composed person and good at what she does. And it worked.

  17. I don't think she was faking - it seemed way too genuine and "in the moment." Good for her for being real! It made me respect her even more.

    hope all is well with you! thanks for your comments during my surgery and recovery so far - means a lot!!!

  18. I too, agree with you..I don't think she was faking it either...women are automatically more emotional then men, it is in our genetic make-up, whether we want to admit it or not...I have several "work related" almost non-professional moments, where I have had to fight really hard to control "My emotions"...so, yeah..I do think it was for real.

  19. I agree with you. She's been in the spotlight for years and has always managed to come across as emotionless. I have to think that's intentional--she doesn't want to come across as weak in a man's world.

    The media is making more and more insane with regards to this election. I hate knowing that people make decisions based on media spin.

  20. I totally agree with you! I hate that reflex and fight it with everything I've got. As I get older, I have to do that less and less. (Growing myself some balls I guess.)

    I do not like her personally. I actually heard this on the radio and could not see her face. For the first time EVER I felt something for her. She actually got through to me somehow and I can't explain that.

    I also do not believe for one second that she did it on purpose. I don't think she is capable of manufacturing it. I think she would not have done it if she'd been able to control it.

    That's why it worked. It was real. I wondered a lot though why I responded to it when I hate it in myself. I guess because I thought she was a cyborg and now at least she's human. I just hope she doesn't now try to make it happen again, because that won't work twice!

  21. I agree with you. I do not think it was fake, I'm really not a fan of hers either. It's just that I've been in situations where I'm exhausted, I'm getting hammered by my boss or someone else and I just feel that urge to cry. It takes everything I have to squash it so that they don't see my female "weakness". To me that was were she was at in that moment. If she would have lost the primary, they would have said it was because of that moment. They will spin it the way that works for them, it doesn't make it truth.

  22. I just wrote about this with a humourous take but for what it's worth I do not think she was faking. An actor would have had trouble being that natural and unrestrained...

  23. I am currently in what you called the mans world and you are so right about having to pull it all together even at the toughest of times. I think we are hard wired to be emotional and you know what it is not a crime, maybe a little more emotion and a little less ego might help this country.

  24. I've heard the news, but I haven't seen the clip. Don't have the time or the care to watch it now, even though you made it so easy on us. I am a Republican through and through. Hillary is the last Democrat I want to see in the White House.

    And I never have thought for a minute that she might be faking it. For all of the reasons you stated. I can't imagine being a woman in a man's world. I can barely keep my composure on a bad day in a woman's world. ;-)

    I hate that the news media (particularly conservative new media, assumably) has capitalized on this. Get a life, people!

    Nuff said. :-)


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