On The Flip Side...

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Well, after the week I have had...I thought to be fair, it was time to come up with thirteen reasons to hate snow. I think this will be easier than my thirteen reasons to love it...let's see...
1) It's cold
2) It gets really dirty
3) So hard to push a stroller through the snow
4) Dangerous to drive in
5) Shoveling snow is just plain no fun
6) Scraping it off the car...plllllttt!
7) It's wet
8) It's slippery (I took a fall running last year in it)
9) Other people drive like morons in it
10) It falls off the high rises and that's so dangerous
11) Traps you in the house
12) Makes the sidewalks impossible to walk on
13) Seriously, what's the point if I can't ski on it???
That was way to easy.......


  1. Makes me glad I don't live somewhere snowy anymore!

  2. All true, but still I'd love to see some snow over here!
    My TT wishes you "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year" in 13 European languages.

  3. It never snows here, but it did on Christmas Day, 2004. We loved it, but that's because it only lasted one day. : )

  4. I hate snow. Hate, hate, hate it! We have the possibility of getting some this weekend...when I'm supposed to be on a four hour drive north. Super.
    Happy TT!

  5. Skiing is the only good reason to me. I don't live in snow country and don't want to. Great list. Have a wonderful TT. :)

  6. I love the first snow of the season. After that, I'm finished until the next year.

  7. You got my vote on all of them!

    The Pink Flamingo

  8. I am so sorry for your pain! :)
    I cannot and will not drive in snow, ice or anything resembling it so that type of weather holds me captive...

  9. Now...how can I say I can hate snow when we don't have that here. So maybe if and whenever we have snow, I wouldn't hate but most likely welcome it.

  10. I totally agree! That white stuff is completely overrated!

  11. We don't get much snow here either.
    Happy TT!

  12. I love snow but I hate it also... It's a weird relationship!!!!

    I love snow on christmas eve and christmas day and whenever I'm not stuck trying to walk in it...

    Happy TT!!!

  13. I still love it and I'm the one that has to shovel it!

    Happy TT

  14. I live in MI, so I can relate to all of your reasons. The one thing that amazes me is that people who should be used to it still do not know how to drive in the snow.

    By the way, I like your new header... it's really sharp.

  15. I love snow. I guess I am the minority. I love the stillness when it falls. It is way better than ice.

  16. A valid list, to say the least. The dirty part drives my husband nuts. I tell him to think of it as the crumbs on a coffee cake. He is a diplomat; he makes no comment!

    Great list. Will you be back to loving it next week? Too much fun...
    Writing in Faith

  17. Oh gosh me too! Except we've been able to cross country ski here... I hope it clears soon!

    Happy TT.

    My TT is up A little kindness

  18. Yeah I am with you on this one. I so hate snow and ice. I could totally live in a warmer climate. Keep warm!

  19. I guess you are right about all those reasons - but I sure love the snow (cuz I never get to see it often enough). Take care. Kellan

  20. No, no, no, way too early for this list. What are you going to do in January and February? LOL, see I can now like the stuff b/c I have a kid nordic skiing this year. I see where that would make a difference from a baby in a stroller!

    BTW- read your blog below, good for you for saying something to that guy about your husband.

  21. snow sucks...no two ways about it! winter sucks. clouds suck. cold air sucks. slush sucks. icicles suck. black ice sucks. slipping and sliding sucks. anything that isn't warm...it sucks.
    enough negativity for ya! i don't heart winter!

  22. I'll agree with pushing the stroller through it, but I plan on using it for exercise this year! (and next year, etc) if we'd just get enough all at once and I'd remember my promise to myself to use it as exercise. Plus, I always look at it like coloring the lines (vaccuming too).

    Come visit - 13 things about my hubby, T!


  23. Where I live, we rarely get snow so everyone has to drive to it. I like to play in it for about 15 minutes and then Im good:) Driving in it really sucks. The people in Cali dont know how to drive in any other weather besides sunny. Happy TT and thanks for stopping by.

  24. LOL!!!
    So true! I miss it... but not so much.
    I remember why it's a PITA when I read things like this!
    You're so fun!!

  25. I'll never have to deal with it. Then again, I'll never get the fun part of it either. I wanna make a snowman!

    (my TT is at yummydown.com)

  26. Amen! Except the skiing part. Skiing and I don't go together. Now sledding, that one I get behind.

  27. You are dead on with all of these! I tried to push my stroller through poorly plowed sidewalks today and it sucked!! Great list! LOL

  28. hahahahaha
    Damn caps lock and laziness

  29. Where I live it's either wet or dry. Would love to have the chance to know if I'll hate or love snow. :o)

  30. Amen to all of that...I freaking hate the cold white stuff!!!!!

    My T13 post is up, come check it out if you get a chance. :)

  31. I agree with you on all of those even though I've never had to push a stroller through snow I hate snow with a passion blame it on growing up on the East coast lol Happy TT & Happy Holidays

  32. Man. I don't miss the snow. I hope it goes away before Christmas! No politics this week; I felt like a break from it all. The Flatland Almanack --Damozel

  33. I'm in the Midwest where the ice storm hit so between snow and ice, snow is my favorite thing right about now.

    But I understand your list all the same. :)


  34. Oh, sister, I am feeling you. Very pretty to look at but after about a day, I feel the crap needs to GO AWAY!

  35. They are all true, especially #9. I wish it would snow one day, then melted the next. I could enjoy that.

  36. Oh, #9 is SO true. I grew up in central Michigan, and that's one thing I do miss about living there--people knew how to drive in snow.

  37. HAHAH! I hate cold, therefore snow. I agree. It's only pretty for two minutes...then all this happens. Happy TT.

  38. we have just been having horrid rain and fog here in southern indiana, i am kind of wishing for snow.

  39. Nothing you can say will change my mind about snow :)

    Send me your snow!!!

  40. But it is so much fun to drive your tractor in while pushing snow around.
    Probably not a recreation for any in the urban or subburbs, but definitely for the farmers!!

  41. I would love to see snow here - neevr going to happen ...* boo hoo*

  42. How about it blocks the street til the snow plows can get to you - a day or two? I think you named every other crappy thing about snow!

  43. I had to come back and say Don't think I missed "Thursday Thirteen" backwards - Great!

  44. Get yourself some snow shoes.....LOL

    I like the snow, I just hate the freezing cold temps we get along with it.

    My TT is finally up too.

  45. I miss snow ... for about three seconds then remember the reasons you have listed! Still a little of the white stuff at Christmas is nice.

  46. #9 - Don't I know it. People are so busy concentrating on the snow flakes that they cause the accidents themselves.

    Check me out if you get a chance. Happy TT!

  47. I'll take the rain any day. At least you don't have to shovel it.

  48. Oh yes, by about the middle of January, I've had quite enough of snow for the year. Unfortunately we still get another couple of months of it after that... :(

  49. I live in Florida so the only snow I have seen this year is fake snow. Once at our town park when they made snow for kids to slide on during the Lighting of the Lights Festival, and the fake snow during the Osborne Lights in MGM at Disney. (and THAT was soap).

    So, I do miss snow. But I remember how much I didn't LIKE it when I lived in NH...


    Happy TT-13!




    I hate snow, and one day I'll move away from it.

    As I sit here in the middle of a snowstorm.


    Happy TT! xoxo

  51. Way too funny! It does brighten up the skanky greys and browns of a Midwestern winter, though and it's prettier than rain.

    Happy Thursday!

  52. I agree with #9 wholeheartedly!! And, I live in a place where it snows every winter. Do you think these people would get a clue?

    Happy TT!

  53. Yep, but it's pretty for a bit. I just bought myself YakTrax so I have added traction this year; slipping pushes me WAY too close to major knee reconstruction. And I mean major.

  54. The fact that it is wet really does it for me. It's the same reason I don't like it to rain (though I love storm)...I hate having the ground all wet.

    I love the way snow LOOKS while it is snowing or before it has been stepped in, but after that...I wish it would just melt away.

    Happy TT!
    Easier Said Than Done

  55. Great list! Really, what is the point if you can't ski on it?

  56. we got about 10 inches today...i'm NOT looking forward to shoveling out the cars tomorrow!

  57. Amen! We lived in tropical weather all our lives, and recently moved to Massachusetts. I must say... not a fan of the snow.

    You're so right. Strollering through it is a nightmare!

  58. OK, you make some good points. It's gotta be nice to have seasons though, isn't it?!?

  59. Too hot for snow in Melbourne. BY the way, if you're wondering why I haven't visited for a couple of days, I'm in Singapore at the moment.

    However, I'm still posting on my blog every day!

  60. I admit, I did like our occassional trip up to Big Bear for snowboard and ski.
    too far to find anywhere here.
    we get frozen fog . . no snow.

  61. We would be happy with some rain here in Atlanta. But in the extremely rare event that we ever get a flake of snow, everything closes and everyone buys milk and bread for some reason. Go figure.

    Suzanne in Atlanta

  62. You could just combine #7 and #8 and say "It's just like Bon Jovi".

  63. I added a reason winter and snow are cool to my photo blog.

    Check it out! Big news!

  64. i love snow...from the warmth of my house looking at it through the window! ah...Canadian winters...:)

  65. Hailing from C-A
    I have nothing to say
    Pity you today

    Yup, us Californians don't know much about *living* in the snow, only visiting it.


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