Hey Now!!!

OK, just a few things....I've been taking a little break from the blog over the Holiday. I hope you all had a great Christmas. Are you gearing up for a big New Year bash? I have never been a New Year's person. I find in the city, the Holiday should be called "you can't get a cab night, so you end up walking home really cold in high heels"...bitter, maybe? So, the other thing that happened to me, for some reason my Google Reader blew up and only shows me about half of my usual reads...very frustrating! Has anyone else noticed any new problem with Google Reader, or is it just vexing me? This leads me to my last question...How long do you keep a Christmas present before you get rid of it? We have been carrying around a wrapped present for one of Husband's friends for 2 moves and more than a year! C'mon, do I have to keep this stupid thing forever? If you don't get your present within a year, can I give it to the Salvation Army? I don't know the rules on this?!? I have also been carrying around a stupid gnome for one of my brother's friends for maybe 4 years now...4 years! I am giving it away tomorrow. He didn't pick up his present for 4 years, it's no longer his! What do you think, am I breaking some present retrieval law here???


  1. Google reader has been acting up for me lately as well. My problem is it keeps crashing exporer for me.

    My wife's Grandmother just passed away, our New Year's Eve will be spent out of town with no last minute plans possible.

    BTW - I did get money for winning the tournament. Not a bad ROI...put ten bucks in, take 193 out. Figured a former trader like yourself would like those numbers :-)

    Gotta go put up my comment for the day.

  2. To the best of my knowledge my google reader has been working. But, maybe I just don't know? I am not a big new years person. We just hang out at home, watch movies, play games, count down and drink sparkling cider. How exciting am I?

  3. Grrrrr. leave your comment did not work, so now I have to rewrite my previous, outstanding comment...so here it goes.

    First I have to say your header is really great!!!

    Second...never heard of anyone lugging a gift around for more than a year. As for the gift your bro gave you to deliver, return it to him. You could regift it to him with a smiley face on the package.

    If it was something you bought for someone and you did not just mail it to them, give it to someone else when appropriate. Knowing you, it probably is fanastic and the right person will truly appreciate it.

    Third you missed the biggest challenge for New Year's Eve...FINIDNG A BABYSITTER NEW YEAR'S EVE NIGHT!!!! Good luck on that one if you haven't booked one several months in advance.

  4. LOL! nice...yeah I would give em away, but that's just me.

    Hope you have a Happy New Year!!


  5. Six months tops - then off to charity for the gift. (I'm a bit of a hard-ass) Found you via A Southern Fairytale and the Royal Banana Awards - congrats!

  6. Hi NW!

    I would definitely get rid of the gifts by now! Way too long to be so kind and hold on to them!!

    I hope you and your family enjoy a healthy and happy new year!!!

    Lots of good stuff in 2008!!


    PS I miss Bradley :(

  7. The wrapped Christmas gift just gave Bossy a fit of the giggles. That was like a gift all its own.

  8. Wow. You are far nicer than I am. I would have a six month limit. Four years?!! Wow.

  9. I won't do anything outside the home on the 31st. I'll watch TV, eat and relax... I have a family brunch on the 1st. :)

    Happy New year!!!!!

    I have never used google reader...

  10. YES! Google has been a pain in my arse lately :( ...

    I can sooooo relate to the "I can never grab a cab night..." Been there and will never do that again.

    As for the gift...I would say 1 year. Max! If the gift receipt has expired, so has the gift!

  11. I say 24 hours is long enough to keep crap. If you can't regift it to someone super lucky then off to Goodwill it goes...

  12. Hell to the no! I'm with you girl. I hope you and your fam had an awesome Christmas NW and a happy 2008. Love the new banner!

  13. I usually buy gifts that can be used for several different people-no name tags, just give it to them, if they give me a gift unexpectedly. And, if it is still not opened by New Year's I get to keep it.

    I have to work New Year's Eve, so no great plans, there. Hope you have a great one!

  14. Give it all away girl. it is just weighing you down. :)
    Hope your holidays were great.
    oh and I always stay home on New Years.
    here's to a great 2008!

  15. I'd toss the gifts after about six months...well, not toss, but regift or donate!

    My Explorer has been crashing alot lately...don't know why as I don't use Google Reader?

    Happy New Year to you and yours...ours will be quiet...great food, at home...no driving!

  16. I'd toss the gifts after about six months...well, not toss, but regift or donate!

    My Explorer has been crashing alot lately...don't know why as I don't use Google Reader?

    Happy New Year to you and yours...ours will be quiet...great food, at home...no driving!

  17. Well, once I had kids, New Years completely lost my enthusiasm. Staying up past midnight (unheard of for us) only to be woken by the voices of toddlers at 6 a.m. is NOT FUN. I haven't seen the ball drop in years.

  18. I don't think I'd keep the gift more than a couple months. You're way nicer than me!!

  19. I would so have already re-gifted/sold a garage sale anything that I wasn't able to gift by Memorial Day. But what is the statute of limitations on holiday cards when you just can't find their address...

  20. Nah, I wouldn't keep it for that long..by the way, Have a great and fantastic New Year my dear!!! :-)

  21. I've been laying low as well. Nice to see you took a break too. We take the kids into the city for the big First Night celebration. Fortunately they take over the big convention center so we don't have to spend too much time outside.

    Happy New Year!!

  22. Around these parts, you have until February 1st to claim your loot. It then reverts to being my property and I may do whatever I see fit with it.

    Happy New Year!

  23. Funny about that present!! Time to give it away, I would say!

    I hope you have a wonderful New Year and hope to see you often in 2008. Kellan

  24. Its purging time - I say give it away!


  25. I see your little NW designs over there... can't wait 'til it's functional :-) Laughing over the 4 year gnome. You're adorable :-)


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