13 Reasons to Love Snow...

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Holy gettin' dumped on here Batman! I promised the babies we would go to the museum today, so out we went. As I'm pushin' the stroller through the snow, I realized if I didn't come up with some reasons to like snow, it was going to be a long winter...So let's see if I can come up with thirteen...
13) It's beautiful, makes the city look clean when it first falls
12) I like to watch the snow fall
11) I'm sure the weather man can tell us why, but snow always seems to snap a cold spell
10) Snow angels
9) Snow ball fights
8) Making snow men
7) Snow days from school
6) Sledding
5) Snow forts
4) Catching snow on your tongue
3) Snow tubing
2) I am looking forward to taking my kiddos out to play in the snow
1) You gotta know this is my #1, skiing!!!


  1. good for you for getting outside and walking with the kids in the snow! We're watching our snow from the windows and I'm secretly wishing this is a very short winter!


  2. I love it for all the same reasons except skiing! Can't do it, though I do admire those who can.

  3. I like snow because my dogs love to play in and with it, and my cats chase snowflakes from behind the window. :-)
    My list shares 13 of my favourite animation movies.

  4. What a great way to appreciate snow. I love it. Have a great TT. :)

  5. Wow, I wish it would snow here! Great post!

  6. Hey...here in chicago it snowed all last night and much of today...it just stopped now...and I am going outside downstairs to do laundry while working on Thursday Thirteen...oh I wish I did laundry last night!!!

    cheers and here is my list...as a parent you might find it very interesting...


  7. I'll love it a lot more once my daughter and husband get home! LOL! It's snowing now and I'm worried.

    My Thursday Thirteen #3

  8. Yep - skiing!! Everyone's getting snow but me (*sob*). Have fun. Kellan

  9. You walked to the museum in the SNOW!! Now there is the difference between a sweet northern gal and a southern belle... EVERYTHING STOPS for snow down here, and I do mean EVERYTHING!! LOL

    Gotta admit catching snowflakes on your tongue and making snow angels does sound a little fun BRRRRRRRrrrrrr....

  10. It seems quieter when it snows. I hope your snow joy will continue for a while... happy tt

  11. We do not get snow here. Sometimes, I am happy about it, but other times I miss it. (I lived in Iowa, Minnesota, and New Jersey).

  12. Good list. I hope you still feel the same way next March!

  13. I too love the snow, for most of the same reasons. Love a walk in new snow. Did you ever notice how quiet it gets when it snows? Have a nice TT

  14. We just moved from Montana to North Carolina,and all this talk about snow is making me miss Montana. I love snow too for all the same reasons.

  15. I was really wanting to find my kids those ice brick makers (plastic toy for making igloos in the snow), but boy are they hard to find. I miss those!! Great list, I am with you on it too. Got to enjoy it or you go nuts. I am up too.

  16. No snow yet here, not that I mind.
    Hope it's fun for you! Happy TT

  17. I know, holy snow, huh? It sure does look pretty though. Now if it just wasn't such a pain to drive in.

  18. Yay. Good way to make yourself love it.

    Mine's up, too!

  19. What? Snow Ice Cream didn't make the list?! I'm shocked.. SHOCKED, I tell you. But Happy TT anyway. :)

    Snow Ice-Cream
    1 gallon-size bucket of CLEAN snow
    (that would be the snow that's not yellow!)
    2 tablespoons vanilla extract
    1 - 2 cups milk.

    Mix it all together and eat it quick!

  20. We had our first real snow today of about 6 inches. I love looking at snow but hate driving in it!

  21. can I add another? Snow pictures! There's an amazing shot of a snowflake on goofygirl.org today!

  22. Great list! It looks best to me from inside by the fire, falling softly outside, while I drink hot cocoa.

  23. i hate snow...i hate winter...can you feel my negativity vibes regarding snow and winter...hate, despise...
    but, i like that someone can be positive about the horrendous season called winter...even if it is forced!
    hey...cool blog. can i come visit again? puh-lease?

  24. My daughter has been carrying around her bathing suit for the past few weeks asking when we are going back to the beach.

    She's not too happy about snow.

    Can't say I blame her. But happy skiing to you.

  25. I'll send you my snow when we get it. I wish it would only snow on the grass - I HATE driving in it!

    Happy TT!

  26. Love the snow.. I could think of a hundred things to do.. only I'll never see any in Florida.

  27. The best thing about snow? How well the kids sleep after playing all day in it!!

  28. That is great great@@@@

    Wanna come here? plenty of snow!!! ;)

  29. I don't love snow... but your list has made me consider liking it more!

  30. I don't think I could come up with 13 reasons for liking snow...now 13 reasons to hate it...no problem! LOL!

    My Thursday Thirteen is up too! :)

  31. I've never gone skiing. Can you believe it? From Buffalo, NY and never skied. Stupid Mishi! LOL

    Great list, NW!!

    Mine's Up Here!

  32. Yes, yes and yes! I love it for the first 18 inches and then am ready for spring. Hey did you make that T13 graphic? That's sooo cool!

  33. It's fine as long as I am not forced to drive in it. I missed our only snow of the year.

    The Pink Flamingo

  34. Hurray for Snow Angels! :)

    GREAT list, but too bad we don't see a whole lot of it here in Arkansas. :(

    Happy TT from Tisha @ Crazy Working Mom

  35. I love, love, love snow, but here in Nashville, we don't get much at all. So little, in fact, that they close schools if there's even a possibility of it snowing. Enjoy it!!

  36. Snow is fantastic -- the first five or so times in a season. After that, it's outstayed its welcome, IMHO.

  37. We never get snow here:( I guess thats what happens when you live in Southern Cal close to Palm Springs...lol. Happy TT.

  38. Oh i hate snow with a passion lived in it for almost 20 yrs back east I like snow 3 ways
    1.On tv
    2 In pictures
    3.Someplace I am not hope you enjoy your winter Happy TT

  39. You forgot the best thing about snow....watching it on tv while all you people have to go through it :D As for skiiing, tried it once in my teens and broke my ankle, so not doing that again :)

  40. Nice reflections on snow. It makes me want to like it--almost. Happy TT

  41. I have had to make my peace with the snow too - the coolest thing about snow in MN......Cartoon flakes (that is what the kids call it) because they are perfect flakes that land on your window (they look like the ones in cartoons) just perfect little flakes.......

  42. Nice list. I love snow too- as long as I don't have to drive in it or shovel it. ;)


  43. I miss skiing! tell me a shooshing story- your worst wipe out? Best run ever? Coolest lodge?

  44. OH! I love snow for all those reasons too! But, we don't get much snow here in the south so I kind of miss it. Here's a link to my # 19

  45. I personally love the smell of the air after a snowfall. Happy TT!

  46. snow is beautiful.....when I'm looking at it from the inside lol.


  47. Great list. I like watching snow fall, but I'm not all that fond of shoveling it or driving in it. And, sadly, I don't ski. But, I do like that pristine look that everything has right after it's done and the sky has cleared. It's truly beautiful.

    Happy TT!

  48. I love snow and everything about it (except the melting, that is, the melting sucks). Three cheers for snow!

  49. I like looking at snow, but it gets really old after a while. :)

  50. Great list, snow days are the best. Happy TT, I'm up at http://emeraldcityguy.wordpress.com/2007/12/06/13-things-that-i-want-for-christmas/

  51. I'd love snow today. It's in the 90s here in Melbourne!

  52. pushing a stroller in snow...that is courageous.
    I love snow angels and the snow is even prettier now that we live in the country. Great TT this week, and I am adding you to my Mamas blogroll page.
    Penelope Anne

  53. There is a peace that seems to come over the earth when snow falls. Everything gets quiet and clean and just beautiful.

    Happy TT

  54. Oh my goodness! I can't imagine going for a walk, with a stroller, in the snow!

    I live in SC...if it snows here, no one goes ANYwhere...and you better buy the milk and bread the very second the forecast is broadcast or you may be out of luck!!!

    I do like the snow though! I'm just not sure how long that would last if it was a normal thing ;-)

  55. Snow, eh? In my vision of you you're eternally in the sunshine as you're shown on the homepage. Now I'm recalibrating....I live in Florida, so it's been years since I saw any snow. Back when I lived in North Carolina, I did love the first few days and it always melted before I got REALLY fed up with it. But I agree that there IS a lot to like and it IS beautiful---if you're stuck with it, you might as well learn to love it.

  56. Hehe, great list! I love the snow too! I also love how it looks like there's glitter in it. :-0 Hapy TT :P

  57. Great list! It's getting me excited to play in the snow. As I do live in Hawaii I'm taking my son to New York later this month and it will be his first time seeing real snow. But you have given me some great ideas thanks.
    Oh here's my TT too.

    Happy T13!

  58. Those are all wonderful reasons to like snow. Thanks, I needed some after the storms we've had lately.

    I've never been skiing but I'm willing to believe it's as fun as everyone says. :)

    Happy TT


  59. I love it because it's a perfect time to curl up with some hot chocolate and a blanket and watch the wintery neighborhood out of the window. When the sun is out, the whole world seems brighter.

  60. We just got a bunch of snow in the Flint, MI area. While doing things around the apartment this morning, I did take some time to just watch the snow fall.


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