Not a Box

I did something that makes little kiddos drool...




Nothing big...just a couple end chairs...The exciting part, the BOX the chairs came in:-D
Kidlets have been beside themselves in their new clubhouse!

Oddly enough, in a world where Miss Peach is always right...The Little Man has virtually taken over ownership of the Not a Box.
"No girl toys ALLOWED!"

Miss Peach yells...

She jumps up and down...

She cries...

...and yet, The Little Man is still the one in the box...

Score one for The Little Man;)


  1. Love the boxes. My 11 year old has always been a wiz with a box. Her favorite thing to make is a car. Great pictures!

  2. My kids are big box fans as well. Well, they're fans of boxes, not the box-style variety of a fan. And they're big fans as in they like boxes a lot, but they also like BIG boxes as well. This comment was much more confusing than it should have been.

  3. Isn't that hysterical? My kids are the same. They love to play in boxes.

  4. Was absolutely floored when I saw these pics. I started reading your blog when he was a BABY! Where has the time gone?

    Love it!

  5. OMG. Does that EVER bring back memories - like age 5 or 6, I think. My folks bought furniture. And the box was in the yard. And we were playing inside the box - me and Valerie, the older girl from across the street ... Yup. Brings back memories. :)

  6. Boxes are THE best. Heck, I still like a box now. Good for Little Man!

  7. I could curl up in a box like that right about now. So cozy!

  8. Have you read your kids the picture book called "Not a Box" You HAVE to. Info Here


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